Expansion of company's leadership team in response to market demands and corporate expansion PRESS RELEASE APR…

TPC Earns a Standing Ovation at the Ritz-Carlton Symposium 2019
Anyone who knows Jon Siegel would tell you he is not like the rest. He is a successful clinical psychotherapist, an entrepreneur, a visionary, and has been carving his own path with The Perfect Companion in the Greater Phoenix Arizona area.
Jon Siegel’s perspective of Ritz-Carlton level concierge care seems to quietly define the secret to family harmony, strength-based aging, and happiness.
As the team stood up to tell their concierge senior care stories at the Ritz-Carlton Symposium at Rancho Mirage, and they explored the “whys” and the “hows” behind what they do, the audience erupted in a standing ovation. That’s what Jon lives for. Blending in or just being good is not good enough for Jon or his team. This is quite a corporate culture!
I see some magic happening with The Perfect Companion because the team appreciates every blessing that keeps flowing in the door. They naturally practice profound gratitude for the company’s mission, and they naturally “set the example of exemplary”, they pay close attention to the details, anticipate needs, and positively impact the service experience for everyone they interact with, every day.
Anyone who has experienced the Ritz-Carlton service experience surely knows what I mean.
The Perfect Companion is what I call a “market team player”; they share, no matter what they’re given in return. With complete authenticity, they care most about serving the clients’ needs. They power through familial crises that seem insurmountable; fueled by their passion to keep making a difference with their unique scientific, Ritz-Carlton, wisdom, and instinct-based approach.
The team is very narrowly focused on its own ecosystems and mission, and they do not take their responsibilities lightly as a part of “the village of care”; especially now through this Corona virus pandemic, the community is in need and essential care is no cliche’.
They power through the pressures of each day, and I mean 24/7, and cherish the results of their fuel…even if it’s just milometers of progress. I NEVER hear the team say, “I’m not sure if I can take this much longer”. They are ALL totally obsessed with where it’s all going, and becoming the most surprising, exciting, and most effective solutions provider for aging adults.
Wow…I’m going to keep living my life like this…can’t wait to see what happens next!! Special THANK YOU to you all at the Ritz-Carlton!
All my best, @Erika Feinberg
If we are not connected on LinkedIn yet, please reach out to connect! www.Linkedin.com/in/erikafeinberg
Ask@AZPerfectCompanion.com 602-595-9096
NOW HIRING CERTIFIED CAREGIVERS! Pays well and pays weekly!
SPECIAL OUTREACH OFFER THROUGH THE PANDEMIC ISOLATION: Free Check-ins or even Free Clinical Assessments if you have an aging loved one in the greater Phoenix Arizona who might appreciate some essential care, errands or companionship.