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Your parents are aging, they need help but wont go to an assisted living facility because they want to stay in their own home. So their care is entrusted to you, you usually a female family member who oftentimes is taking care of her own family at the same time. So what do you do, because the stress is killing you.
Well there are thousands of non medical private duty in home care giving companies throughout the country who can assist you in taking care of your parents in their home. The caregivers range from companions who can cook, do laundry, drive your folks to the store and doctors appointments, all the way up to certified nursing assistants and med techs who can provide a variety of helpful services including being a liaison between their patients/clients and the primary care physicians. They can bathe and transfer the clients so that the adult family caregiver can take some time off. The pricing ranges from 15-25 dollars per hour for in home care, usually with a minimum time allotment per visit.
So don’t go it alone. Reach out the the professionals who are there to assist you in taking care of your elderly parents. You will be glad you did!