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Caregivers for the Holidays
You only see your folks a couple of times a year because you live out of town, but when you come over this Thanksgiving you are stunned by their decline in terms of health.
Your brothers and sisters who live here are busy with their lives, and do not think the decline is that pronounced, but you notice right away. Since the whole family is together, this is a good time to round up your brothers and sisters and take some time to talk as a group and help your folks seriously consider some help in the home.
There are many competent care giving companies who can assist with a variety of daily living activities like cooking, cleaning, taking them shopping, and laundry just to name a few. Tell your Mom and Dad that you and your siblings have talked and agreed it would be a good idea to bring a caregiver into the home, so that they can stay in their own homes as long as their health will let them.
If your parents cannot afford the help, then perhaps their kids can all pitch in to hire a company. I know The Perfect Companion, our non-medical company has a four hour minimum at 100.00. If you did that three days a week say M-W-F from 10-2PM caregivers could come in the home and prepare lunch and dinner, do some shopping and the laundry and light housekeeping as well.
Staying in their own home is usually the priority of most elderly couples, so take the lead and help ensure your Mom and Dad can enjoy their own homes as long as possible!