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America ages…How to plan for the help you need…
Look at these sobering statistics.
The U.S. population age 65 and over is expected to double in size within the next 25 years. By 2030, almost 1-out-of-5 Americans — some 72 million people — will be 65 years or older. The age group 85 and older is now the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population
So what do we do to combat aging in our homes and doing so in an affordable manner?
Well clinical and non-medical assistance is crucial, some forms of which are more affordable then others.
Most of us would rather age in our homes with assistance all things being equal, and for those who can afford to do so companies in the non-medical space are a great stop gap solution.
For those who need more clinical attention, an assisted living facility where skilled help is on staff could be the answer. Shop around. This is a more costly alternative but necessary for many families and their loved ones.
The best way to determine which is the best route for you and your loved ones is to begin to do your due diligence now so that you are prepared to meet the different stages of aging. We are living longer in our country these days and that requires a plan for the next stage of your life and what will be required. There are lots of great alternatives available!